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Attendance MATTERS

Excellent attendance at school allows a child to have the best possible start in life.

Going to school regularly is important for your child's future.  Parents / carers are responsible for making sure their child receives full-time education.  Parents are legally responsible for making sure that children attend school.  If your child doesn't go to school, you could be fined or prosecuted.

There are lots of reasons why a child should attend school:
  • To learn
  • To build confidence and self-esteem
  • To understand responsibility
  • To develop new skills
  • To grow as individuals
  • To gain qualifications
  • To make new friends, have fun and develop life skills
  • To develop awareness of other cultures

Good school attendance is not just beneficial, it's essential.  Attending school is directly linked to improved exam performance which should in turn lead to further learning opportunities and better job prospects when the child grows up. 

Going to school helps to develop:

  • Friendships
  • Social Skills
  • Life skills
  • Team values
  • Cultural awareness
  • Career pathways

Develop Good Habits  

You can do this by...

  • having a routine from an early age and sticking it to it
  • making sure your child understands the importance of good attendance and punctuality
  • making sure they understand the possible implications for themselves and you as a parent if they don't attend
  • taking an interest in their education - ask about school work and encourage them to get involved in school activities
  • discussing any problems they may have at school and letting their teacher, the learning mentor or senior member of staff  know about anything that is causing concern
  • not letting them take time off school for minor ailments or holidays during term time

To avoid disrupting your child's education, you should arrange (as far as possible) appointments and outings:

  • after school hours
  • at weekends
  • during school holidays

Attendance Thresholds

A table to show the percentages of attendance for each descriptor. E.g. 100% is excellent, 91%-95% is cause for concern