School Clubs
Extra-Curricular activities:
We are pleased to see so many children taking an interest in extra-curricular clubs at Oakfield. There are a number of clubs led by teachers which change each term. Alongside these are clubs led by outside providers to increase the range that we can offer.
Teacher led clubs are published on MCAS where you can select a club that your child would like to attend. There are limited spaces in our teacher led clubs and we are very grateful to staff who give freely of their time in order to lead these.
Club Rules:
- We consider attendance at clubs to be a privilege and children are expected to show commitment to attend every week unless parents / carers inform us of a valid reason why they are unable to attend – this enables us to keep a track of children to ensure their safety. Older children should take responsibility for showing politeness by speaking to the teacher directly if they are unable to attend.
- Children missing two sessions without a valid reason will have their place withdrawn. parents/carers are notified if such a decision has to be taken.
- Our high expectations for behaviour within lessons also apply when children are attending clubs. Children who do not follow the rules will lose the privilege of attending clubs. Parents / carers are notified if such a decision has to be taken.
- The teachers in charge of the club will inform the children of any equipment they need to bring along.
We hope that children will join in activities which they enjoy but also try something new during their time at Oakfield Primary.
Please speak to the school office for further information.